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Workshop Program |
Monday, 01 October, MIPT
Opening Remarks
Opening Remarks
10:20 SESSION 1.
Chairman Dr. Inga TOLSTIKHINA, LPI
Plasmonic lasers [M01-1-1]
Tailored optics with a highly-discrete optical frequency comb; toward high resolution nonlinear spectroscopy in the vacuum ultraviolet wavelength region [M01-1-2]
Arbitrary optical waveform generation at 125THz repetition rate [M01-1-3]
Polarizabilities of the 1.14 μm clock transition in thulium [M01-1-4]
13:00 LUNCH
14:00 SESSION 2.
Chairman Professor Toru MORISHITA, UEC
Optical technologies for space gravitational wave detector [M01-2-1]
Fiber-based trapping laser for Sr optical lattice clock [M01-2-2]
Resonant electron transfer and capture processes involving Rydberg atoms [M01-2-3]
The mechanism of resonant electron capture by atomic and weakly bound molecular ions to the Rydberg states [M01-2-4]
Tuesday, 02 October, LPI
10:00 SESSION 1.
Chairman Dr. Alexander NARITS, LPI
Excitation of Isomeric Nuclear State in Th-229 in Dense Laser plasma [L02-1-1]
Atomic and molecular dynamics in intense laser fields [L02-1-2]
Photoelectron momentum distribution of an atom generated by a combination of XUV and IR pulses [L02-1-3]
Quantum theory of radiation by nonstationary systems [L02-1-4]
High-efficiency tunable dye lasers pumped by visible diodes [L02-1-5]
13:00 LUNCH
14:00 SESSION 2.
Chairman Professor Nobuhito KOKUBO, UEC
Direct measurement of time-frequency distribution of biphotons [L02-2-1]
Two-dimensional quantum spectroscopy with photon pairs generated from biexciton [L02-2-2]
Low thermal noise Fabry-Perot cavities for laser freqency stabilization [L02-2-3]
Ozone mixed gas optics for ultra-high power laser system [L02-2-4]
Wednsday, 03 October, LPI
10:00 SESSION 1.
Manipulation and magnetic probe of vortex matter in mesoscopic superconductors [L03-1-1]
Tunneling Ionization of a Hydrogen Molecule in Strong Static Electric Field [L03-1-2]
A Study of Near-Forward Rescattering Photoelectron Holography in Strong-Field Ionization [L03-1-3]
Towards transportable Yb ion clock [L03-1-4]
High-pressure transport properties of candidate material for Excitonic insulator Ta2NiSe5 [L03-1-5]
13:00 LUNCH
14:00 SESSION 2.
Chairman Professor Ryosuke SHIMIZU, UEC
Quantum emitters caused by extended defects in II-VI compound semiconductors [L03-2-1]
Multichannel scintillation-diagnostic for studying the hard bremsstrahlung from an extended atmospheric discharge in the ERG installation [L03-2-2]
Photo- and cathodo-luminescence of SiO2 under the high-power excitation (1-10 MW/cm2) [L03-2-3]