
1998 год.

1. I.G. Lebo, V.V. Nikishin, V.B. Rozanov, V.F. Tishkin. 'Numerical simulation of evolution of multi-mode initial perturbations in the development of Richtmyer-Meshkov instabilities ' // J. of Russian Laser Research, v.19, N5, (1998).

2. A.B.Iskakov, V.F.Tishkin, I.G.Lebo, J.Limpouch, K.Masek, K.Rohlena. Two-dimensional model of thermal smoothing of laser imprint in double-pulse plasma. // Препринт ФИАН ?22, М., (1998).

3. A.V.Koutsenko, I.G.Lebo, A.A.Matzveiko, Yu.A.Mikhailov, V.B.Rozanov, G.V.Sklizkov, A.N.Starodub. Anomalous burning through of thin foils at high brightness laser radiation heating. // Proceeding of ECLIM'98, (Formia, Italy, 4-8 May, 1998).

4. A.V.Koutsenko, I.G.Lebo, A.A.Matzveiko, Yu.A.Mikhailov, V.B.Rozanov, G.V.Sklizkov, A.N.Starodub. Anomalous burning through of thin foils at high brightness laser radiation heating. // Препринт ФИАН N46, ., (1998), 12 с

5. I.G.Lebo, Yu.A.Mikhailov, V.D.Zvorykin, V.F.Tishkin. Analysys and 2D numerical modeling of burn through of metalic foil experiments using power KrF and Nd-lasers. // Препринт ФИАН ?44, М., 1998, 9 с.

5. I.G.Lebo, Yu.A.Mikhailov, V.D.Zvorykin, V.F.Tishkin. Analysys and 2D numerical modeling of burn through of metalic foil experiments using power KrF and Nd-lasers. // Proceeding of ECLIM'98, (Formia, Italy, 4-8 May, 1998).

6. I.G.Lebo, Yu.A.Mikhailov, V.D.Zvorykin, V.F.Tishkin. Analysys and 2D numerical modeling of burn through of metalic foil experiments using power KrF and Nd-lasers. // Препринт ФИАН N44, M., (1998), 10 с.

7. S. Yu. Gus'kov, V.V. Demchenko, I.G. Lebo, V.B. Rozanov. 'Numerical simulation of the effect of radiation injection through holes on the compression symmetry in targets of the laser-greenhouse type'. // J. of Russian Laser Research, v.19, pp.397-407, (1998)

8. I.G.Lebo, S.Yu.Gus'kov, V.B.Rozanov, V.V.Nikishin, V.F.Tishkin, N.V.Zmitrenko, V.V.Demchenko. 'Numerical investigation of the effective input of laser energy into a cavity through the hole'. // Препринт ФИАН N 43 , M., (1998), 10 с.

9. Н.Г. Басов, И.Г. Лебо, В.Б. Розанов, В.Ф. Тишкин, Л.П. Феоктистов. Алтернативные подходы к конструкции мишени для гибридной термоядерной станции. // Квантовая электроника, 25, ?4, 327-332, (1998)

10. N.G. Basov, L.P. Feoktistov, I.G. Lebo, V.B. Rozanov, V.D. Zvorykin, V.F. Tishkin. Alternative approaches to the laser target design. // ICENES'98. The 9th International Conference on Emerging Nuclear Energy Systems, Tel-Aviv, Israel, June 28-July 2, 1998. Edited Y. Ronen, L.Tepper and E.Elias. V.1, pp.399-406, (1998)

11. I.G. Lebo, S.Yu. Gus'kov, V.V. Demchenko, V.V. Nikishin, V.F. Tishkin, V.B. Rozanov N.V. Zmitrenko. Numerical simulation of the effective input of laser energy into cavity through a hole. // Proc. of 1998 ICPP&25th Conf. on Control Fusion and Plasma Physics, Praha, 29 June-3 July, 1998, v.22C, 1043-1046, (1998)

12. I.G. Lebo, Yu. A. Mikhailov, V.F. Tishkin, V.D. Zvorykin. Analysis and 2D numerical modeling of burn through of metallic foil experiments using power KrF- and Nd lasers. // Proc. of 1998 ICPP&25th Conf. on Control Fusion and Plasma Physics, Praha, 29 June-3 July, 1998, v.22C, 1039-1045, (1998)

13. I.G. Lebo, V.B. Rozanov, V.D. Zvorikin. The power thermonuclear netron source with double pulse KrF laser. // Proc. Of SPIE, Laser Optics'98. Superstrong Laser Fields and Applicatins, 22026 June, 1998, St. Peterburg, Russia, V.3683, pp.152-158

1999 год.

1. А.Б.Искаков, И.Г.Лебо, В.Ф.Тишкин, 'Программа ATLANT_C для двумерного численного моделирования задач лагранжевой газовой динамики в цилиндрической геометрии'. // Препринт ФИАН ?47, М., (1999)

2. V.D.Zvorykin, I.G.Lebo. Laser and target experiments on KrF GARPUN laser installation an FIAN. // Laser and Particle Beams, v.17, pp.69-88, (1999).

3. В.В.Иванов, А.В.Куценко, И.Г.Лебо, А.А.Мацвейко, Ю.А.Михайлов, В.П.Осетров, А.И.Попов, В.Б.Розанов, А.Н.Стародуб, В.В.Никишин, В.Ф.Тишкин. 'Аномальное прогорание тонких фольг при нагреве лазерным излучением высокой яркости'. ЖЭТФ, 116, сс.1287-1299, (1999)

4. A.V.Koutsenko, I.G.Lebo, A.A.Matzveiko, Yu.A.Mikhailov, V.B.Rozanov, G.V.Sklizkov, A.N.Starodub. Anomalous burning through of thin foils at high brightness laser radiation heating. // Laser and Particle Beams, v.17, #3, 557-563, (1999)

5. I.G. Lebo, A.B. Iskakov, J. Limpouch, K. Masek, K. Rohlena, V.F. Tishkin. 2D modeling of thermal smoothing of laser imprint in a double-pulse plasma. // Laser and Particle Beams, v.17, #4, 759-763, (1999(

6. I.G. Lebo, S.Yu. Gus'kov, V.V. Demchenko, V.V. Nikishin, V.F. Tishkin, N.V. Zmitrenko, V.B. Rozanov. Numerical simulation of the effective input of laser energy into a cavity through a hole. // Laser and Particle Beams, v.17, #4, 785-791, (1999)

7. I.G. Lebo, V.B. Rozanov, R.V. Stepanov. A model for development of Rayleigh-Taylor instability in shell of a incompressible fluid in the presence of ablation. // J. of Russian Laser Research, v.20, #5, 438-452, (1999)

8. Г.А. Вергунова, :, И.Г. Лебо, :, Р.В. Степанов. Физические процессы в мишени 'Лазерный парник': экспериментальные результаты, теоретические модели, численные расчеты. // Препринт ФИАН ?58, М., (1999), 56 с.