1. A.A. Ionin, A.K. Kurnosov, A.P. Napartovich, L.V. Seleznev, “Lasers on overtone transitions of carbon monoxide molecule”, Laser Physics, 20 (1), p.144 (2010).
2. Yu.M. Andreev, A.A. Ionin, I.O. Kinyaevskii, Yu.M. Klimachev, A.Yu. Kozlov, A.A. Kotkov, and G.V. Lanskii, “Frequency Conversion of CO Laser Radiation in the ZnGeP2 Nonlinear Crystal”, Bulletin of the Lebedev Physics Institute, (1), p.11 (2010).
3. V.D. Zvorykin, A.O. Levchenko, A.G. Molchanov, I.V. Smetanin, and N.N. Ustinovskii, “Microwave Energy Channeling in Plasma Waveguides Created by a High-Power UV Laser in the Atmosphere”, Bulletin of the Lebedev Physics Institute, (2), p.60 (2010).
4. V.S. Gorelik, Yu.P. Voinov, V.D. Zvorykin, I.G. Lebo, A.O. Levchenko, and N.N. Ustinovskii, “Laser Implantation of SodiumNitrite into ArtificialOpal Pores upon Exposure of Artificial Opal Samples to Pulsed Radiation of the Ultraviolet Laser”, Bulletin of the Lebedev Physics Institute, (3), p. 65 (2010).
5. D.A. Zayarnyi, A.Yu. L'dov, I.V. Kholin, "Quenching of the resonance 5s(3P1) state of the krypton atom in collisions with krypton and argon atoms", Quantum electron., 40 (2), p.144 (2010).
6. A.O. Levchenko, V.D. Zvorykin, S.V. Likhomanova, N.N. Ustinovskii, V.F. Shtan'ko, "Amplification and generation of radiation at the 42Γ → 1,22Γ transition of the Kr2F molecule in an electron-beam-pumped wide-aperture laser", Quantum electron., 40 (3), p.203 (2010).
7. A.A. Alekhin, A.A. Ionin, S.E. Kozhushko, I.M. Kourylyova, S.I. Kudryashov, K.K. Kuz’min, V.G. Likhvansteva, M.V. Samoylov, L.V. Seleznev, D.V. Sinitsyn, and S.D. Zakharov, In vitro femtosecond laser subsurface micro-disruption inside human cornea and pre-cleared sclera, Laser Physics Lett. 7 (6), 463-466 (2010). DOI 10.1002/lapl.201010011.
8. V.D. Zvorykin, A.A. Ionin, A.O. Levchenko, L.V. Seleznev, D.V. Sinitsyn, N.N. Ustinovskii, “Multiterawatt Ti:Sapphire/KrF laser GARPUN-MTW as a test bench facility for verification of Combined amplification of nanosecond and subpicosecond pulses”, J. of Phys.: Conf. Ser., 244, 032014 (2010).
9. V.D. Zvorykin, A.O. Levchenko, N.N. Ustinovskii, "Amplification of subpico second UV pulses in the multistage GARPUN-MTW Ti:sapphire — KrF laser system", Quantum electron., 40 (5), p.381 (2010).
10. A.A. Ionin, S.I. Kudryashov, K.E. Mikhin, L.V. Seleznev, D.V. Sinitsyn, “Bulk femtosecond laser marking of natural diamonds”, Laser Physics 20, 8, 1778-1782 (2010).
11. A.A. Ionin, S.I. Kudryashov, L.V. Seleznev, Near-critical phase explosion promoting breakdown plasma ignition during laser ablation of graphite, Phys. Rev. E 82, 016404 (2010).
12. A.O. Levchenko, N.N. Ustinovskii, V.D. Zvorykin, “Absorption spectra of e-beam-excited Ne, Ar, and Kr, pure and in binary mixtures”, J. Chem. Phys., 133 (2010).
13. A.O. Levchenko, N.N. Ustinovskii, V.D. Zvorykin, “Novel technique for transient absorption probing”, J. Russian Las. Res., 31 (5) (2010).
14. S.I. Kudryashov, A.A. Tikhov, V.D. Zvorykin, Near-critical nanosecond laser-induced phase explosion on graphite surface, Appl. Phys. A (2010) doi: 10.1007/s00339-010-5954-z.
15. A.A. Ionin, Yu.M. Klimachev, A.Yu. Kozlov, O.A. Rulev, L.V. Seleznev, D.V. Sinitsyn, "Cryogenic slab RF discharge: CO laser development, singlet delta oxigen production and XeO excitation", Technical program of 14 International Conference on Laser Optics "LO-2010", 28 June - 02 July 2010, St.Petersburg, Russia, p.41.
16. A.A. Ionin, Yu.M. Klimachev, A.A. Kotkov, A.Yu. Kozlov, "Study of nonlinear Zeeman splitting of nitric oxide ro-vibrational spectral lines in magnetic field with CO laser", Technical program of 14 International Conference on Laser Optics "LO-2010", 28 June - 02 July 2010, St.Petersburg, Russia, p.41.
17. V.D. Zvorykin, A.O. Levchenko, N.N. Ustinovsky, and I.V. Smetanin, "Propagation of the sliding microwave modes in the air plasma waveguides", Technical program of 14 International Conference on Laser Optics "LO-2010", 28 June - 02 July 2010, St.Petersburg, Russia, p.42.
18. V.D. Zvorykin, A.O. Levchenko, N.N. Ustinovsky, "Amplification of subpicosecond pulses up to ~1TW in large-apperture e-beam-pumped krF amplifiers of GARPUN-MTW laser facility", Technical program of 14 International Conference on Laser Optics "LO-2010", 28 June - 02 July 2010, St.Petersburg, Russia, p.46.
19. Yu. Andreev, A. Ionin, I. Kinyaevskiy, Yu. Klimachev, A. Kotkov, A. Kozlov, G. Lanskiy, A.N. Morozov, A.V. Shayduko, "Phase matching of the second harmonic generation in GaSe crystals", Technical program of 14 International Conference on Laser Optics "LO-2010", 28 June - 02 July 2010, St.Petersburg, Russia, p.53.
20. Yu. Andreev, A. Ionin, I. Kinyaevskiy, Yu. Klimachev, A. Kotkov, A. Kozlov, G. Lanskiy, A.N. Morozov, V.V. Zuev, "CO laser frequency conversion in nonlinear ZnGeP2 and GaSe crystals", Technical program of 14 International Conference on Laser Optics "LO-2010", 28 June - 02 July 2010, St.Petersburg, Russia, p.99.
21. L.V.Seleznev,A.A.Ionin, S.I.Kudryashov, D.V.Sinitsyn, E.S. Sunchugasheva, B.A.Tikhomirov, A.A.Fil’, Yu.N.Ponomarev, A.M.Popov, O.V.Tikhonova, E.A.Volkova, “Nonlinear photo-processes in gases induced by strong ultrashort laser fields”, ICONO/LAT 2010 Aug. 23-26, 2010, Kazan, Russia, Conference program, p.28, Technical digest on CD.
22. S.Kudryashov, A.Ionin, L.Seleznev, D.Sinitsyn, “Comparative ultrasonic study of femtosecond and nanosecond laser ablation of solids”, ICONO/LAT 2010 Aug. 23-26, 2010, Kazan, Russia, Conference program, p.30, Technical digest on CD.
23. A.A.Ionin, S.I.Kudryashov, L.V.Selezhev, D.V.Sinitsyn, E.S.Sunchugasheva, Y.N. Ponomarev, B.A.Tikhomirov, A.A.Fil, “Nonlinear absorption and ionization in atomic and molecular gases impacted by femtosecond laser pulses with wavelengths of 248 and 744 nm”, ICONO/LAT 2010 Aug. 23-26, 2010, Kazan, Russia, Conference program, p.40, Technical digest on CD.
24. A.Ionin, S.Kudryashov, A.Levchenko, L.Seleznev, D.Sinitsyn, N.Ustinovsky, V.Zvorykin, “High-power femtosecond hybrid Ti:Sapphire –KrF laser facility and its applications”, ICONO/LAT 2010 Aug. 23-26, 2010, Kazan, Russia, Conference program, p.56, Technical digest on CD.
25. S.Kudryashov, A.Ionin, Yu.Novoselov, L.Seleznev, D.Sinitsyn, E.Golosov, Yu.Kolobov, A.Ligachev, S.Makarov, A.Sharipov, “Femtosecond laser cleaning of nano- and microparticulates from metal and semiconductor surfaces”, ICONO/LAT 2010 Aug. 23-26, 2010, Kazan, Russia, Conference program, p.66, Technical digest on CD.
26. A.Yu.Kozlov, A.A.Ionin, Yu.M.Klimachev, A.A.Kotkov, E.Yu.Bondarchuk, O.A.Romanovskii, S.V.Yakovlev, “Spectroscopic analysis of multicomponent gas mixtures with wide range carbon monoxide laser”, ICONO/LAT 2010 Aug. 23-26, 2010, Kazan, Russia, Conference program, p.68, Technical digest on CD.
27. R.Chanieva, V.Gorelik, A.Ionin, S.Kudryashov, L.Seleznev, D.Sinitsyn, A.Sharipov, S.Makarov, “Photonic crystal sensors fabricated using femtosecond laser ablation”, ICONO/LAT 2010 Aug. 23-26, 2010, Kazan, Russia, Conference program, p.67, Technical digest on CD.
28. L.V.Seleznev, A.A.Ionin, S.I.Kudryashov, D.V.Sinitsyn, E.S.Sunchugasheva, Yu.E.Geints, A.A.Zemlyanov, “Filamentation of sharply focused femtosecond laser pulses in air”, ICONO/LAT 2010 Aug. 23-26, 2010, Kazan, Russia, Conference program, p.59, Technical digest on CD.
29. S.Kudryashov, A.Ionin, L.Seleznev, D.Sinitsyn, “Comparative ultrasonic characterization of femtosecond and nanosecond laser propulsion”, ICONO/LAT 2010 Aug. 23-26, 2010, Kazan, Russia, Conference program, p.96, Technical digest on CD.
30. A.Ionin, I.Kinyaevskiy, Yu.Klimachev, A.Kotkov, A.Kozlov, Yu.Andreev, G.Lanskiy, A.N.Morozov, “CO laser frequency conversion in nonlinear crystals ZnGeP2 and GaSe”, ICONO/LAT 2010 Aug. 23-26, 2010, Kazan, Russia, Conference program, p.102, Technical digest on CD.
31. A.A.Ionin, Yu.M. Klimachev, A.A.Kotkov, A.Yu.Kozlov, “Nonlinear Zeeman splitting of nitric oxide rovibrational spectral lines in strong magnetic field studied with CO laser”, ICONO/LAT 2010 Aug. 23-26, 2010, Kazan, Russia, Conference program, p.102, Technical digest on CD.
32. E.S.Sunchugasheva, A.A.Ionin, S.I.Kudryashov, L.V.Seleznev, D.V.Sinitsyn, “Third harmonic generation by sharply focused femtosecond laser pulses in air”, ICONO/LAT 2010 Aug. 23-26, 2010, Kazan, Russia, Conference program, p.110, Technical digest on CD.
33. L.V.Seleznev, A.A.Ionin, S.I.Kudryashov, D.V.Sinitsyn, E.S.Sunchugasheva, “Self-focusing and plasma defocusing of sharply focused femtosecond laser pulses in air”, ICONO/LAT 2010 Aug. 23-26, 2010, Kazan, Russia, Conference program, p.110, Technical digest on CD.
34. A.Ionin, A.Kozlov, L.Seleznev, D.Sinitsyn, “Slab RF discharge overtone CO laser”, ICONO/LAT 2010 Aug. 23-26, 2010, Kazan, Russia, Conference program, p.111, Technical digest on CD.
35. S.Kudryashov, A.Ionin, L.Seleznev, D.Sinitsyn, “Nanosecond laser lightning in dense gases”, ICONO/LAT 2010 Aug. 23-26, 2010, Kazan, Russia, Conference program, p.111, Technical digest on CD.
36. A.Ionin, I.Kinyaevskiy, Yu.Klimachev, A.Kotkov, A.Kozlov, Yu.Andreev, G.Lanskiy, A.N.Morozov, A.V.Shayduko, “Second harmonic generation phase matching in GaSe crystals”, ICONO/LAT 2010 Aug. 23-26, 2010, Kazan, Russia, Conference program, p.111, Technical digest on CD.
37. A.A.Ionin, S.E.Kozhushko, S.I.Kudryashov, L.V. Seleznev, D.V.Sinitsyn, S.D.Zakharov, A.V.Alekhin, I.M. Kuryleva, V.G.Likhvantseva, M.V.Samoilov, K.K. Kuz’min, “Femtosecond laser microstructuring of bulk transparent materials and eye tissues”, ICONO/LAT 2010 Aug. 23-26, 2010, Kazan, Russia, Conference program, p.113, Technical digest on CD.
38. S.Kudryashov, A.Ionin, Yu.Novoselov, L.Seleznev, D.Sinitsyn, E.Golosov, Yu.Kolobov, A.Ligachev, A S.Makarov, A.Sharipov, “Femtosecond laser fabrication of onedimensional surface nanogratings: transient optics of surface plasmons”, ICONO/LAT 2010 Aug. 23-26, 2010, Kazan, Russia, Conference program, p.113, Technical digest on CD.
39. S.Makarov, S.Kudryashov, A.Ionin, Yu.Novoselov, L.Seleznev, D.Sinitsyn, E.Golosov, Yu.Kolobov, A.Ligachev, A.Sharipov, “Femtosecond laser fabrication of onedimensional surface nanogratings on silicon surfaces”, ICONO/LAT 2010 Aug. 23-26, 2010, Kazan, Russia, Conference program, p.113, Technical digest on CD.
40. A.O. Levchenko, N.N. Ustinovskii, V.D. Zvorykin, “Broadband amplification at Kr2F trimer transition for short-pulse high-power laser applications”, Proc. SPIE, 7721, paper 7721B-54 (2010).
41. Golosov E.V., Ionin A.A., Kolobov Yu.R., Kudryashov S.I., Ligachev A.E., Novoselov Yu.N., Seleznev L.V., Sinitsyn D.V., Sharipov A.R., Femtosecond laser nanostructuring of metals: sub-100nm one-dimensional surface gratings, Proc. SPIE 7712, 77122V (2010).
42. Kudryashov S.I., Golosov E.V., Ionin A.A., Kolobov Yu.R., Ligachev A.E., Makarov S.V., Novoselov Yu.N., Seleznev L.V., Sinitsyn D.V., Evolution of black silicon nano- and microscale surface topologies upon femtosecond laser irradiation, Proc. SPIE 7719, 771921 (2010).
43. S.I. Kudryashov, A.A. Ionin, S.E. Kozhushko, L.V. Seleznev, D.V. Sinitsyn, A.V. Alekhin, I.M. Kourilyova, V.G. Likhvantseva, M.I. Samoylov, Femtosecond laser microstructuring of transparent materials and its ophtalmological applications, Proc. International Conference on High-power laser ablation (HPLA 2010), ed. by C.Phipps, AIP (2010).
44. S.I. Kudryashov, E.V. V. Golosov, A.A. Ionin, Yu.R. Kolobov, A.E. Ligachev, L.V. Seleznev, D.V. Sinitsyn, A.R. Sharipov, Nanostructuring of solid surfaces by femtosecond laser pulses, Proc. International Conference on High-power laser ablation (HPLA 2010), ed. by C.Phipps, AIP (2010).
45. A.A. Ionin, S.I. Kudryashov, Yu.N. Ponomarev, L.V. Seleznev, D.V. Sinitsyn, B.A. Tikhomirov, Non-linear absorption and ionization of gases by intense femtosecond laser pulses, Proc. International Conference on High-power laser ablation (HPLA 2010), ed. by C.Phipps, AIP (2010).
46. Ionin Andrei A., Kudryashov Sergei I., Ponomarev Yurii N., Seleznev Leonid V., Sinitsyn Dmitry V., Tikhomirov B.A., “Non-linear Absorption and Ionization of Gases by Intense Femtosecond Laser Pulses” AIP Conf. Proc. 1278, p.354 (2010).
47. Ionin Andrey A., Kozhushko Svetlana E., Kudryashov Sergey I., Seleznev Leonid V., Sinitsyn Dmitry V., Zakharov Stanislav D., Alekhin Alexander I., Kourylyova Irina M., Kuz'min Kirill K., Likhvantseva Vera G., Samoylov Michail V., “Femtosecond Laser Micro-structuring Of Transparent Materials And Its Ophthalmologic Applications”, AIP Conf. Proc., 1278, p.224 (2010).
48. Ionin Andrey A., Klimachev Yurii M., Kochetov Igor V., Napartovich Anatoly P., Rulev Oleg A., Seleznev Leonid V., Sinitsyn Dmitry V., “Gas-Flow Slab RF Discharge as a Source of Singlet Delta Oxygen for Oxygen Iodine Laser”, AIP Conf. Proc., 1278, p.200 (2010).
49. Kudryashov Sergey I., Golosov Eugene V., Ionin Andrey A., Kolobov Yuriy R., Ligachev Alexander E., Seleznev Leonid V., Sinitsyn Dmitry V., Sharipov A. R., “Nanostructuring of solid surfaces by femtosecond laser pulses”, AIP Conf. Proc., 1278, p.156 (2010).