The main research results
A number of powerful mathematical software has been developed in the sector, including:
- A program “RAPID” to calculate the interaction of laser radiation with matter, based on the simultaneous solution of Maxwell's equations and the equations of one-dimensional gas dynamics;
- A program “RAPID-SP” to calculate the interaction of a short laser pulse with plasma;
- A program “ATLANT-HE” to calculate the two-dimensional gas dynamics of plasma, taking into account the generation and transport of epithermal electrons;
- A program “RADIANT” to calculate the proper radiation transport in high-temperature laser plasma;
- A program “DESNA” to calculate the optical properties of laser plasma and others.
A number of well-known concepts of laser fusion targets with a high gain coefficient have been proposed in the sector, among them:
- The concept of fast direct ignition;
- The "Laser Greenhouse" target for a small number of irradiating laser beams;
- The X-ray target with a direct exposure.